Friday, 22 February 2013

GP Shrimp spey fly, step by step.

The GP shrimp, i tied for a competition with the flyfishing and flytying magazine, in the Salmon and sea trout section. and above is a certificate they sent me about the tie, saying a was also a great modern  look on on a spey fly.
 Right here is a step by step, of my Golden Pheasant shrimp spey fly. this is a great pattern for sewin and salmon, and i have used in salt water and caught bass and flounders on it.
 The hook in vise, here i am tying on a Alex Jackson size 5. the thread is black Danville 70 denier,
 Now i catch in black floss for the body,
 And when wind the thread down the shank, tie in oval tinsel for rib.
 Above, a orange dyed Golden pheasant skin, showing the back rump feathers. that i will be using for the tail,
 Above, a rump feather, with the fluffy part of the feather removed.
 Now tie in the feather by stem,
 Now pull the feather up the shank, to the length you need.
 And now i have run the thread up shank, and trimmed the unwanted part of feather.
 Now its time to tie in the hackle, here i am using a Golden pheasant large breast feather.
 This feather will be tied in by the tip,
 Now i have tied in the feather, and run thread down the shank to the eye. 
 Now i have run the black floss down the shank to the eye, followed by the rib.
 Now i have trimmed off the unwanted floss, and tinsel. doubled the feather, and getting ready to wind hackle down the shank.
 And above, i have run the hackle down the shank of hook, and you must wind it tight behind the rib.
 Now its time to tie in a collar, using a breast feather like the body hackle. but this one is dyed orange,
 Now tie it in by the tip,
 Above, i have wound the collar, and tied it off.
 Above, i have now trimmed off the unwanted stem of feather.
 Now above, i have picked two rump feathers, again off a GP pheasant in orange.
 Now i have cleaned off the unwanted fluff, of the base of feather. and sized it to the size i want for the shell of fly,
 Now i tie them in, one on top of the other.
 Above showing fly from top. you can also tie these in tented if you want.
 Above showing finished fly from above, and as you can see i have tied in Jungle cock cheeks.
And above, showing side view of fly, i tie this pattern in a number of colors. being  Black, black/ orange, all orange, all red and pink. have been the colors that work for me,

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Wiggily blood worm buzzer, step by step.

 Here is a buzzer/ blood worm pattern, which i have made up from the past. to give you fly a bit more movement in the water, Place the hook in vise here i am using a Kamasan B100 size 10.
 Catch in you thread on shank of hook, here i am using Danville red 70 denier.
 Now catch in some micro Holographic tinsel red, run the thread down to the bend keeping thread flat. by spinning thread bobbin back,
 Above, i have run the thread back up hook, again keeping thread flat.
 Now, wind the tinsel back up the shank in even turns.
 Now i shape the body, were the wing buds will be.
 Now its the turn to tie in the flexi floss, to make the shaped wing buds. catch in the flexi floss above the hook eye, leaving about 1" inch.
 Now we take the flexi floss, under the hook shank and tie it in above the first tie.
 When you are happy with the way the flexi floss is sitting, trim the tying thread.
 Now we need to seal in the wing buds, we do this with Deercreek UV resin. which dries in 2/3 seconds under a UV torch, with buzzesr i tend to use a UV laser diode pen torch.
 Above you can see that i have sealed the wing buds,
 And now above, i have coated the whole blood worm buzzer. and i have used a black permanent marker pen, these feelers stand out a lot in the water. and when drawing it though the water they wave about, and bring the pattern alive. and takes can be very savage,
And above you have the Apps blood worm pattern, which again is very easy to tie. but fishes very well, 

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Klink Hammer, step by step.

 Here is a pattern i use a lot, when fishing for grayling and trout. there is nothing like taking fish off the top on a dry fly, above you can see two Klinkhammer hooks size 12. they are the same hook pattern, but i have put a angle in the shank. this helps the fly sit on the water surface with hook bend sitting in the water film, 
 Now place the hook in vise,
 Now catch in the thread, i am using Danville 70 denier tan colour.
 Now i wind the thread down the shank, unwinding the thread a i go keeping it flat.
Now before i take the thread back up hook shank, i spin the tying thread tight by spinning the bobbing. to close the thread nice and tight, so when i take the thread back up the shank. i use it like a rib, giving the body a thin nice look. but the thread rib gives it a bit more body with out bulk,  
Now it's time to add post, to tie the hackle round. i have used Veniards Antron body wool,  
 Above i have placed the body wool each side of the shank, and tied in at base and run up the wool a body of thread.ready to tie the hackle on,
 Now i put on a bit extra wax, just to hold hackle and dubbing.
 Now i have tied in hackle, at the tip and as you can see. i have taken it up the post,
 This is the dubbing i use, peacock dub yellow. i had this off Peter at the flyshack,
 Above you can see i have dubbed the shank, and around the bottom of the hackle post.
 Next i have wound the hackle down the post, going under each turn towards the hook shank.
 Here i have tied off the hackle, and cleaned up at the eye of hook.
 And above the finished the tie, and trimmed the fluoro red post. the bright post i use is great for watching the fly,
 Above showing the two hooks, and the finished fly.
And above, you can see how the flies would sit in the water. and you can see how the one that i bent the shank will hook up better, i also like using the fly on top and a bug fished underneath.this way you have two flies fishing. 

The Welsh fly fair is on again, lot going on fly tying / casting and trade stands. i will be tying again and also local fly dressers. will all be showing the tying skills, plus you can see casting and have lessens on the day.