
Sunday, 22 December 2013

Salmon snake fly, step by step.

 This is a fly i use a lot, when the river is running with a bit of water. i am not one for using a spinning rod, just love to fly fish. and by using a large fly fish will pick it up better than a small one, the fly is tied on plastic coated wire used for craft work. like bead work, and you can tie very large flies but being very light to cast with a fly rod.   
 Above, You can see i have doubled over the wire to the length of the fly i want. and then melted the plastic coating together, it is a very strong weld and i have done pull tests on it. to over 60lb without it pulling apart, so as you can see its a very strong fly.
 Above, you can see the mount ready to take the body covering, i will use mylar tubing.
 Above is the mylar i will be using, you can get it in hobby craft shops. 
 Now i thread the mylar on a threading tool, the tool is used a lot in carp fishing. for threading bait on hook,
 Now i have threading the mylar on the mount,
 After threading on mylar, i will tie it on over the hook shank.
 Above is the flash i am using for the tail of fly,
 Now tie in the flash,
 Now fold back, the forward part of flash.
 Now i will coat the thread, with Deercreek UV resin.
 Close up of the tail.
 Now i mount the snake fly, i mount in my snake fly vise.
 Now i tie in the first hackle, i am using a Whiting yellow saddle.
 Here i have wound on the hackle,
 Hackle is trimmed,
 Now i get ready to tie in the first wing,
 The color is golden yellow,
 Above the first wing is tied in,
 Now i am going to tie in some hot yellow flash.
 Above, the flash is tied in.
 Now i tie in the next part of the wing, using hot orange.
 Now i tie in the wing topping, black.
 Now i need more flash,
 The flash i have used to top off, is rainbow.
 Now its time to tie in the front hackle, again i have used a Whiting saddle in hot orange.
 Now i tie in some jungle cock, i have used on this tie soft plastic ones.
 Above the fly in vise, all i need to do now is coat the head.
And above, the finished snake fly. i use these a lot on the river Towy and catch a lot of fish on them, plus my mates have done very well on the as well.

Friday, 13 December 2013

Cascade, step by step.

 This is another fly, that i always have in my fly box. like the Ally shrimp it just seams to catch on every river it go's on, here i am tying the fly on a size 6 double which i get off Deercreek fishing tackle.
 Now catch in the tying thread, i am using Danville 6/0 70 denier black.
 Now i tie in the butt,oval tinsel size medium,
 Now as you can see, i have wound on the butt and just taken a few turns of thread to hold in place.
 Here i have taken the tinsel, back down the shank between the hooks. the reason for this is to wrap the rib,
 Here i have bucktail mixed for the tail of fly, orange and yellow.
 I like the tail to be about two, to two and a half times the length of hook shank.
 Above you can see, that i have trimmed the unwanted material. and tied in some orange krystal flash,
 Now i have tied in some silver holographic tinsel,for the rear part of the body.
 And then you can see, i have used the black tying thread. for the forward part of body, and now you can see i have brought  the oval tinsel back in to play. by winding on a rib over the both parts of the body,
 Now i tie in the wing, of black squirrel tail.
 Above now you can see, that i have tied in some fine pearl flash over the squirrel wing.
 Now i tie in the first hackle, here i am using a yellow hen saddle feather. as i think it gives the fly more movement, as the hen feather is a lot softer. plus i have tied it in by the tip of the feather,
 Above, you can see the feather wound on and trimmed.
 Now we tie in the front hackle, again i have used a hen saddle feather. this time in orange and again tied in at the tip of feather,
 Above, i have wound on the front hackle, which now needs to be trimmed.
And above is the finished fly, as i have said don't go with out this one. i have them in my boxes from size 4 down to size 15, for all water conditions, give it a try it is a easy fly to tie. 

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Ally Shrimp, step by step.

 Above, is a fly i always have in my fly box, it's the Ally shrimp it just works on all waters. sewin(sea trout) and salmon just love the pattern,
 Above, Place the hook you are using in the vise, here i am tying on a size 6 double hook. and catch in the tying thread,
 Now we tie in the rib, i am using size medium oval tinsel.
 Here above, i have wound on the butt.
 Above, before i tie in the tail, i have taken the oval tinsel back ready for the rib. and then tie in the tail, i have used orange bucktail. 
 Now i have wound on the back body, black and forward body red. i have just used tying thread, and tied in some strands of orange Krystal flash.
 Above, You can see now, that i have wound on the rib over the red/ black body. and then tied in the top wing, and the throat using squirrel tail hair.
 Now i have tied in the over wing, using golden pheasant tippet feather. after tying in feather with a few turns, just pull feather to the length you want the over wing.
 Now we tie in the hackle, i have used a orange saddle hackle. tied in at the tip of the feather,
 Now i have trimmed off the unwanted part of feather, and ready to build a head and varnish.
And above the finished the fly, as i have said i am never without this pattern. it just catches fish ever were you fish it.,